German as a Foreign Language Level B2

Course start:
Wednesday, 21. February 2024 – weekly

Course dates:
Wednesday, 21.02.2024

Following dates:
Wednesday, 28.02.2024
Wednesday, 06.03.2024
Wednesday, 13.03.2024
Wednesday, 20.03.2024
Wednesday, 27.03.2024
Wednesday, 03.04.2024
Wednesday, 10.04.2024
Wednesday, 17.04.2024
Wednesday, 24.04.2024
Wednesday, 01.05.2024
Wednesday, 08.05.2024

Course end:
expected: May 2024

18:30 – 20:00 Uhr

ba Place to (co)work.
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 60
78048 VS-Villingen

Course content and objective:

This course is designed to practice productive and receptive communication skills at level B2 (CEFR), with a focus on business language. Participants will be introduced to a wide range of concepts, vocabulary, and learning strategies that will help them develop their language skills. Participants are expected to work independently both in class and at home to strengthen their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

DaF B2 – independent use of language:

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, also understands technical discussions in his/her own specialist field
  • Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without major effort on either side
  • Can express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a point of view on a topical issue and state the advantages and disadvantages of various options

Please bring:

  • Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
  • Notepad, pen for your notes

We provide you with:

  • Course book
  • Personalized access to digital course content / homework via the digital learning platform

Certificate of Attendance:

In order to receive the certificate of attendance, participants must have attended at least 5 classroom sessions for the entire duration of the course.

Contact information:

Beatrix Pfundstein
BilNetz UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
Viktor-von-Scheffel-Str. 3
78086 Brigachtal
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 461 74 11

German as a Foreign Language Level B2

Course start:
Tuesday, 20. February 2024 – every 2 weeks

Course dates:
Tuesday, 20.02.2024

Following dates:
Tuesday, 05.03.2024
Tuesday, 19.03.2024
Tuesday, 02.04.2024
Tuesday, 16.04.2024

Course end:
expected: April 2024

18:30 – 20:00 Uhr

ba Place to (co)work.
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 60
78048 VS-Villingen

Course content and objective:

This course is designed to practice productive and receptive communication skills at level B2 (CEFR), with a focus on business language. Participants will be introduced to a wide range of concepts, vocabulary, and learning strategies that will help them develop their language skills. Participants are expected to work independently both in class and at home to strengthen their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

DaF B2 – independent use of language: 

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics, also understands technical discussions in his/her own specialist field
  • Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without major effort on either side
  • Can express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a point of view on a topical issue and state the advantages and disadvantages of various options

Please bring:

  • Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
  • Notepad, pen for your notes

We provide you with:

  • Course book
  • Personalized access to digital course content / homework via the digital learning platform

Certificate of Attendance:

In order to receive the certificate of attendance, participants must have attended at least 5 classroom sessions for the entire duration of the course.

Contact information:

Beatrix Pfundstein
BilNetz UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
Viktor-von-Scheffel-Str. 3
78086 Brigachtal
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 461 74 11

German as a Foreign Language Level B1

Course start:
Monday, 26. February 2024 – every 2 weeks

Course dates:
Monday, 26. February 2024

Following dates:
Monday, 11.03.2024
Monday, 25.03.2024
Monday, 08.04.2024
Monday, 22.04.2024

Course end:
expected: April 2024

5:30 – 8:45 pm

ba Place to (co)work.
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 60
78048 VS-Villingen

Course content and objective:

This course is designed to practice productive and receptive communication skills at level B1 (CEFR), with a focus on everyday language. Participants will be introduced to a wide range of concepts, vocabulary, and learning strategies that will help them develop their language skills. Participants are expected to work independently both in class and at home to strengthen their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

DaF B1 – Advanced Language Use:

  • Can understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when dealing with familiar matters from work, leisure, family, etc.
  • Can produce simple and coherent text on familiar topics and areas of personal interest.
  • Can report on experiences and events, describe goals, give brief reasons or explanations for plans and opinions.

Please bring:

  • Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
  • Notepad, pen for your notes

We provide you with:

  • Course book
  • Personalized access to digital course content / homework via the digital learning platform

Certificate of Attendance:

In order to receive the certificate of attendance, participants must have attended at least 5 classroom sessions for the entire duration of the course.

Contact information:

Beatrix Pfundstein
BilNetz UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
Viktor-von-Scheffel-Str. 3
78086 Brigachtal
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 461 74 11

German as a Foreign Language Level A2

Course start:
Monday, 19. February 2024 – every 2 weeks

Course dates:
Monday, 19.02.2024

Following dates:
Monday, 04.03.2024
Monday, 18.03.2024
Monday, 01.04.2024
Monday, 15.04.2024

Course end:
expected: April 2024

5:30 – 8:45 pm

ba Place to (co)work.
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 60
78048 VS-Villingen

Course content and objective: 

This course is designed to practice productive and receptive communication skills at level A2 (CEFR), with a focus on everyday language. Participants will be introduced to a wide range of concepts, vocabulary, and learning strategies that will help them develop their language skills. Participants are expected to work independently both in class and at home to strengthen their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

DaF A2 – basic skills:

  • Can understand simple sentences and frequently used expressions.
  • Can understand and express information about yourself, your family, work, shopping and your immediate environment.
  • Can communicate in simple, routine situations.
  • Can describe in simple terms own background and education, immediate environment and things related to immediate needs.

Please bring:

  • Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
  • Notepad, pen for your notes

We provide you with:

  • Course book
  • Personalized access to digital course content / homework via the digital learning platform

Certificate of Attendance:

In order to receive the certificate of attendance, participants must have attended at least 5 classroom sessions for the entire duration of the course.

Contact information:

Beatrix Pfundstein
BilNetz UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
Viktor-von-Scheffel-Str. 3
78086 Brigachtal
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 461 74 11

Werden Sie Teil des Teams als Online-Deutschlehrkraft (DaF)

Sie unterrichten leidenschaftlich gerne Deutsch als Fremdsprache? Sie fühlen sich wohl in einem dynamischen und internationalen Umfeld? BilNetz UG, ein zukunftsorientiertes Unternehmen im Südwesten Deutschlands, sucht zur Verstärkung unseres Teams eine engagierte Online DaF-Lehrkraft.


Sie sind verantwortlich für die Durchführung von Online-Deutschkursen für insgesamt 16 erwachsene Lernende mit internationalem Hintergrund. Die Kurse sind für Anfänger (Niveau A1) konzipiert.

• Durchführung von insgesamt 48 Unterrichtseinheiten (UE) in zwei Gruppen über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen mit 4 UE pro Woche.
• Kommunikativer Sprachunterricht, ggf. mit Anpassung der Lehrmethoden, um Lernende mit unterschiedlichem Bildungshintergrund zu berücksichtigen und eine ansprechende und effektive Lernerfahrung zu gewährleisten.
• Abstimmung mit BilNetz, um sicherzustellen, dass die Kursinhalte und das Angebot dem beruflichen Kontext und den Sprachlernzielen der Lernenden entsprechen.

Zeiten (MEZ/MESZ):

Gruppe 1: 19:00 – 21:30 (KW 8)
Gruppe 2: 12:00 – 13:30 (KW 8), 19:00 – 21:30 (KW 9)
Gruppe 3: 12:00 – 13:30 (KW 9), 19:00 – 21:30 (KW 10)


• Hochschulabschluss in Germanistik, Linguistik, Pädagogik o.Ä.
• Erfahrung im Unterrichten von DaZ/DaF, vorzugsweise online.
• Fähigkeit, erwachsene Lernende aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen zu motivieren und fördern.
• Kompetenz im Umgang mit digitalen Plattformen für den Online-Unterricht.

Wir bieten:

• Stundensatz, der den Qualifikationen und der Lehrerfahrung entspricht.
• Flexible Arbeitszeiten, die an die Bedürfnisse unseres internationalen Teams angepasst sind.


Bitte senden Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und ein kurzes Anschreiben an Frau Beatrix Pfundstein unter Es ist nicht notwendig, Nachweise über Ihre Ausbildung, Unterrichtserfahrung und relevante Zertifikate beizulegen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns diese nach Ihrer Zusage zukommen lassen.

Werden Sie Teil von BilNetz UG und machen Sie einen Unterschied in der Welt der internationalen Sprachbildung.

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Frau Beatrix Pfundstein
BilNetz UG